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A strong belief in public service runs deep through Invicta Law. This dedication drives our teams of lawyers, specialists in public law. We deliver efficient quality legal services in a sensitive, client-centric way.

Deesha Shah

Profile Photo of Kam Singh
Legal Assistant

01622 392147

Deesha is a Legal Assistant in the Community Care team. She holds a Bachelor of Law (Hons) and a Master of Law in Professional Legal Practice and is a qualified Mediator.

Deesha has jointly and independently worked on various asylum matters for Children’s Services departments, including defending pre-action and judicial review challenges to local authority decisions, instructing counsel in the Administrative/High Court and Upper Tribunal Immigration & Asylum Chamber hearings, advising clients on legal challenges, and aiding senior lawyers on their cases. She was involved in many successful age dispute challenges include AB v KCC (JR/1947/2020); MM v KCC (CO/4214/2021); MA v KCC (JR/1053/2021); LYB v KCC (JR/491/2021); and ABE v KCC (JR-2021-LON-000409).

Deesha has also jointly worked on advice to local authority clients on No Recourse to Public Funds matters. She is part of a team of lawyers who deliver Webinars and training sessions to local authority Children’s Services and Legal Services on various Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children topics. She also has superb technical knowledge and skills which enhance the team’s delivery of advice and training.

Deesha has a range of experience in Adult Social Welfare, including advising on Re X (Court of Protection) applications and assisting in s21A MCA DOLS challenges and s16 MCA Personal Welfare applications.

01622 392147


Adult Social Welfare

Court of Protection

Judicial Reviews

No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF)

Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children

Let’s work together